Project: Blackout (Network News Feed)

April 24, 2011

Photographers and photography tours,photo,art,abstract

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , — projectblackout @ 8:58 pm

We human being are great lovers of nature and so there is no other thing is the whole world that can bring more peace to our mind, than a small vacation in the lap of Mother Nature. Life is not complete without the tasting of beauties of nature. The abundance of it and the grace of it are endless. Sometimes we become amazed with the collection and diversity of creation. God has shown matchless authority while sketching them for us. We should be very much happy to be born in such a world of colors and smell. The enigma attached to it is very much mesmerizing and thus there is no such creature in the whole creation that remains untouched of its affect.  There are many ways to stay close to the lovely nature of earth. Once such great was is to go for photography tours . Capturing the beauty of creation inside the camera lenses and roaming the unchartered lands of it creates a sensational experience for us all. There is nothing more gripping that to go for a holiday with the cameras in your neck. For all photography lovers, this experience worth’s million dollar.
We all always are in a lookout for great holiday options. The best are those where there is the blending of both beauty and adventure. The Costa Rica photography tour offers you both with an addition of learning chance. Even an amateur photographer can go for this package and along with enjoying the scenic beauty of Costa Rica and learn the trade of photography for the masters of it. photography tours are generally offered by very well-reputed bodies having good authority over the hospitality and photography industry. A person who enjoys the recluse from urban life can get his rejuvenating time in the heaven called Costa Rica and also get to learn how to take great snaps of nature in the most professional way. The packages are very much professionally crafted keeping in minds the daily necessities of an urban lifestyle.   The hotels and resorts where the people are going for the holidays are of international standard. The food over there is also multi-cuisine, and so suites the taste of everybody. Staying over there is a memorable lifetime experience.
There is something in the whole world that money can’t buy and this is one such rare experience. After coming back from the tour, you have lot to share with your peers. Learning while playing; is the best way to learn. This motto is being emphasized in photo safari. Professional photographers train people’s going for vacation the depth of the trick to take great photos in the midst of nature. The nature comes more vibrantly to you and this is the reason that you start to love it more than ever. If you really love to get a great glimpse of nature and learn how to take photos like professional do visit Costa Rica. There is no other experience in the whole world that to go for it and fall in love with the minutest details of earth. Enjoy the whole time with your beloved one and return home with a gift of colorful memory.

April 9, 2011

Artist success, artists marketing, do you want your art to be known?

Are you an artist who seeks more from their art than it just being a hobby? Then getting interest in your work for it to produce an income is a must. To do this you need marketing and promotional success, which will enable you to start earning a living from your artistic output.
Today we are going to talk about 10 ways you can find a market for your work and where you can learn more about what is required of you to be successful.


Before you do any painting at all, afford yourself the time to do your market research. One of the biggest reasons for artists failing in their pursuit to become professional is a lack of understanding of what the market wants. Don’t be so arrogant as to assume you know everything and that what you paint is “right”.
Chances are that it isn’t, so don’t assume anything. Go out there into the World and see what’s on offer and, more to the point, what is selling. Galleries are full of pictures that don’t sell so ignore those. Ask the proprietor to show you what sells best and why and to whom?


Secondly, remember that what you are seeing for sale is what was created for last season. Most galleries stock prints these days for the mass market so you need to know what is coming next rather than what is on show now. Imagine taking inspiration from a style on display only to return with a new offering to be told that is now “old hat”.


You must ensure that you visit the trade shows to see what the publishers, independents and importers are offering next seasons market. Even this will meet you a step behind as the artists on display there are already working on next season’s ideas.
However, by taking guidance from the trade show you can at least sell to the galleries armed with colours and themes in current context. Most importantly, talk to the publishers about your work and ask them about the process of presenting yourself for consideration.


If you are satisfied to sell your work as “original only” you will need to form relationships with good and reputable galleries. The value of art is in its perception by the viewer. For example, if you hang your work in an exclusive gallery, you will expect to command a much higher price than in your local town, side street, so aim high and get the best wall space you can.
Talk to several gallery owners and listen to what they have to say. Most will be honest about your work and tell you exactly how likely it is to sell in their establishment. Wall space is valuable so they won’t waste it. You will need a thick skin at times so be prepared for harsh criticism. No matter who you are, some will love your work while others will hate it.


Discuss a fair retail price based on a fair price for you and the gallery. If you are happy with a price don’t start flinching when the gallery says they will sell it for maybe over double your price. They have to charge tax for a start, then cover all their expenses and actually find you a buyer before they see any profit for their trouble. So, don’t begrudge them their share.


Wherever your work is on show, make an effort to accompany it so you can talk to prospective customers. Art buyers love to meet the artist in person and you can do yourself a great deal of good by putting in an appearance if only at weekends. Talk to the Gallery, they are sure to welcome such proposals.


If you are going to sell your work yourself, make use of every opportunity to gain exposure. An excellent new way of doing this is through a fantastic new website facility called (
This site is dedicated to bringing artists to the attention of the World by beating the search engine process and parading you in front of everyone searching for what is latest on the market. It’s inexpensive and you can control what you display and how you present yourself.
It’s probably the most proactive site to arrive in a long time and will do as much to find you a publishing opportunity as it will to sell to the general public. If you are serious about your art, you must make use of this site.


When you create new works try and adopt a theme for a collection. Single pieces do little to help the buying public form an opinion about you or your work. Some will want to find an artist to collect, so unless they can see more than one example of your work they will find this difficult to do.
So, don’t settle for one painting, aim for at least three or four in a set, it will do much for your credibility and will considerably assist your success.


Whatever you display for sale, make sure it is accompanied by a Title and a Written Explanation. The buying public love a story, it helps them to understand your work, gain more from the imagery and, believe it or not, such background information will assist them with a good subconscious reason for purchasing. Your information will make them an “informed buyer”. This will in turn allow them to impress their friends when they come to call.


Finally, in my experience the biggest mistakes artists make is to try and be something they are not or to try and convince the public of such. Painting a woman with an eye on the side of her head does not make you Picasso so don’t try to be. Artists like him are famous as much for their creation of “the style” as they are for any integral artistic ability.
The first rule of creativity is to be true unto yourself, unsuppressed by the need to conform to what others expect or may perceive as “art”. If you do not allow yourself this right of expression you will rarely find joy in painting.
But then you must be able to step out of the “real you” and find a way of harnessing your talent in a commercial way that may have more chance to support you until such time as your own passions are recognised as desirable enough in their own right to earn you a living.

March 30, 2011

MODELS, MODEL, MODELING – Create your Modeling portfolio

Modeling, St Augustine, How To Create your PortfolioIn a modeling career, portfolio serves as a resume exposing the talent and capabilities of a model to the agencies. Well snapped photos are instrumental in increasing the chances of success of a model. This is especially true in the field of glamour modeling where a stunning portfolio is a must have for a model to carve a niche in the glamour industry. A professionalized portfolio is a group of professional images of a model in various styles, look, make up, expressions and outfit exposing a models complete accomplishments as well as features. It is best to get the help of professional modeling photographers in Norwich by spotting the best one. How to create amazing portfolio will be the wondering question for the aspirants. After all a modeling portfolio have to be exceptionally unique and specific paving the way to success.

Make a local inquiry in your locality or search in the website or ask your modeling agency to find a photographer for you. Once you come across a good quality photographer in Norwich call or visit them personally. Ask about prices, the time required to get the photos and the format that the photos are in. Discuss with them about your requirements for the photo shoot and your time schedule. A look at their sample works not only assists in analyzing and assessing their professional experiences but also helps to know whether they can make good difference by benefiting your requirements.

Tell the photographer what kind of look you desire and ask for both head shots and full-body shots. Carefully, listen to what the photographer says about posing and expression.

Search for competent stylist and makeup artist. Look for glamour costumes for your modeling shoot. You can pick your costumes from some popular modeling and fashion publications. Try out variety of dresses and poses. It is essential that the model follows the instructions and suggestions of the photographer and makeup artists in order to result in better and professionalized images. Beside getting a good break in the fashion industry, a good portfolio by an experienced photographer gives you valuable experiences.

Sort the photos between the ones that are amazing and the ones that are just okay. After all, five great shots are better than 30 that are just passable. To top it all, it is the confidence and relaxed attitude of the model that make all the difference. Nervousness often shows up in the photos and a nervous model is rarely hired. So it is always advisable to hire a professional who can make the model feel at ease and bring out the potentialities. Online portals like Silvestri Studio are one of the handfuls who use evocative lighting, rich toned backdrops and props to create a brilliant modeling portfolio.

There is no doubt about the fact that it is the modeling portfolio that can make or break a models career. So hire the best photographer in Norwich, put forth your best effort and give your best shot.

Article Origin and Credits GOTO

March 10, 2011

BLaKdOUt clothing releases Blakdout Badass Tee Shirt (Fashion)

Project Blackout aka Network Ex releases new design! This is still not available to the public and is limited to affiliates, official members, featured artists and friend as well as VIP. To get Blakdout sign up for our Facebook, add me, or follow us on Twitter! Free giveaway, contests, events and entertainment updates! Also check out our featured artists and talent. Check out featured photographer Tommy, and BJ Stelz as well as Matt Dee! Check is at the next Jacksonville artwalk with Dj MCcrazy J of Feedback Entertainment and check out Rive for special party and event info!


March 4, 2011

Fashion, Entertainment, and Art at Jacksonville Art Walk

Feedback Entertainment and Project Blackout The Movement is featured at the art walk in Jacksonville Florida. The first artwalk was this week and DJ Feedback aka DJ Macrazy J killed the tables. Project Blackout featured Blakd Out Clothing & Apparel as well as Art by Matt Dee. Project Blackout would like to should out to its Affiliates and Featured Artists, BlakdOut Beats by BJ Stelz, BlakdOut Clothing & Apparel, RLCCD, Matt Dee (Artist), Tommy Addison (Photographer),Kate @ Rive Entertainment, our featured Models and everyone else who helps make Project Blackout what it is, which is amazing. Project Blackout is a newtork for Fashion, Entertainment, Art, Design, Photography, Music, Media, Event, Talent Management, ETC. Blackout is also known as Network eX due to how EXCLUSIVE it is! Keep up to date by following us on facebook and twitter to get the latest news on Fashion, Entertainment, Art, Design, Photography, Music, Media, Event, Talent Management, ETC!
CHECK our booth out @ the NEXT ART WALK in Jacksonville IN FRONT OF HEMMINGWAY PLAZA JEWELERS with DJ Mcrazy and Project Blackout!

February 25, 2011

Project Blackout The Movement aka Network eX GROWING, new featured band coming soon as well as cruel Blakd Out “Badass” Tee shirt…

Project Blackout The Movement aka Network eX CONTINUES GROWING, new featured band coming soon as well as the new Blakd Out “Badass” Tee shirt. Blackout Badass is to release within the month as well as a new featured recording artist! We are always looking for new talent so if you think you have what it takes to get blacked out with blackout contact team blackout at 9046570460. We feature artists, entertainment, entertainers, events, fashion, clothing & apparel, music, photography, design, models and talent plus so much more! Check is out on Facebook and Twitter to stay in the loop! Blackout Badass will be release by Project Blackout’s official clothing line known as Blak’d out clothing and apparel. Also check out our featured affiliates including RiVE entertainment, your nightlife connection!


February 14, 2011

Blakd out clothing & apparel presents “Good Night” (Fashion)

Blakdout clothing and apparel, official affiliate of Project Blackout The Movement which is a network for artists, entertainment, fashion, music, talent and much more. Blakdout is releasing the “Good Night” series this month. The colors will range in color. There will also be a glow in the dark shirt so add us on Facebook to stay up to date! Blakdout clothing is limited and is not for sale. It is produced in Florida and is all hand produced. The only way to receive blakdout apparel is by winning contests, or giveaway at featured events! Shoutout to Matt D and all of the blackout affiliates.


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